CBD at Work: What the Heck are Receptors?

To explain how CBD works in a multitude of ways involves an understanding of some of the receptors that CBD binds with to produce therapeutic effects. For those readers who loathe deciphering the complicated language of chemistry, here’s a short science lesson on cell receptors.

Think of cell receptors as tiny buttons residing within the linings of cells. When you touch a particular button, it operates like a light switch, turning on or off. The little buttons come in different colors and shapes. Each time one is switched on or off in a sort of giant cellular switchboard, different effects occur. But flipping the switches requires the help of various chemical “messengers.”

Now imagine these chemical messengers as tiny fish swimming about near the receptors. Some of the fish prefer the green buttons and they sink their teeth into them (what chemists call “binding”). Other fish varieties go for red, blue or purple buttons. When enough of these messenger fish bind to a particular receptor button, the switch is flipped and various chemical changes ensue. In the body, cell receptors can modulate all sorts of things – like how badly your sore back is bugging you, or how much of an appetite you have today, or whether you feel relaxed or charged-up.

CBD has the potential to interact with many different receptors, consequently explains why it holds the potential for affecting the human body and mind in so many ways. That’s why I call CBD a “multi-tasker”.   Stay tuned for the next stop on my quest where I visit “pain relief”.